Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Well Hello there...

      Im Emma :)and senior in high school....very ready to graduate hah so a little about myself, I lived in Missouri for about 10 years and have been in California for almost 7. I'm heading off to BYU in the fall which I am super excited about but in the mean time I'm determined to get into great shape. This is my first time doing a fitness challenge and I know it will be challenging but I've seen results of other people so I'm giving it a shot.
          So here's  my issue: I  love food and I have the tendency to eat when I'm bored which of course happens WAY toooo often, also I love to bake and I occasionally bake for special occasions. Luckily this friday I'm making cupcakes for a wedding so geeze what a better way to start your week off with a cheat day? Haha. Anyways best luck to you all!! And one of these days ill find a problem to my procrastination issue...

Cant wait to talk about our success stories and share our hot after pics in the end :) hey and if anyone has any healthy sweets recipes pass them along!


  1. Congrats on your graduation! I'm excited you are coming to Greeley for a while this will be fun to meet you.

  2. Oh what fun adventures you have ahead of you. Its hard to bake something yummy and not give it a try. I hate that!
