Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sweets anyone?

This week has been filled with sweets. Everyday this week there has been some occasion that has involved desserts. Its been a good test of my will power. I choose to have a dessert once and stuck to the serving size. It was a good reminder that I can have treats once in a while just in moderation.

What things do you guys do to help curb your sweet tooth?


  1. I actually really like the dessert delight gum, the rootbeer float, lemon meringue, and the extra sugar free bubble gum are my faves. My husband on the other hand thinks they are nasty, but it works for me.

  2. I try really hard not to deprive myself of anything I love. If I do it usually ends up having the reverse effect...I eat the whole box! Yeah for your will power! I do much better when it comes to yummy snacks, if I put serving sizes in baggies when I am NOT hungry. And having a variety of healthy snacks available.
    Next week will be the real challenge for me...Planning...I know it will help TONS, I just don't do it!

  3. I like the pudding snacks. They are less than a 100 calories and fill my chocolate craving.
