Tuesday, May 21, 2013


As much as I try to switch up my exercise routine so I don't get bored, I find that I still feel the best after a good long run.  I like to sweat, I like to breathe hard, and I like to do it somewhere else other than my living room.  I have tried several of those workouts seen on pinterest with the numbers of certain moves repeated and you are supposed to be done in ten minutes or something.  They do make my legs and abs sore the next day but I still like a good long, hard run.  I have a 13 year old son who was on the track and cross country teams so he likes to run.  Of course he barely weighs 100 pounds and is as tall as me so he can about double my time.  I really enjoy when he runs with me and waits for his old, slow mom.  We don't talk about much (mostly because I can hardly breathe let alone talk) but just having company makes it all better.  The sunshine helps too.  Here is to more good long runs....


  1. So fun you get to run with your son.

  2. I admire anyone that runs! Go you!

  3. I'm with Stephanie...I have never been able to run. One of my son's tells me I just never learned how. I so admire the runner!
    Running a race (okay running and finishing a race) is definitely on my bucket list!
    Enjoy your time with your son, even if he leaves you in the dust...they are gone toooo soon!
