Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Hello, I Am Stephanie

I feel like you have already heard plenty from me as your moderator, but I thought I would introduce myself. I am married to my wonderful husband Clark and we have 3 of the cutest, most energetic and rambunctious little boys around!  Ethan (5), Caden (almost 3) and Quinn (5 months).

I participated in a similar challenge that ended about 3 weeks ago.  I was able to lose 20 lbs. and it felt great...however, I still have a long way to go.  I'm hoping during the next 10 weeks to get to my pre-pregnancy weight plus some.  Then I have 40 more pounds I would like to tackle...but I'm just taking baby steps, working towards small goals so I don't get overwhelmed by it all.  

I learned a lot last time about myself and about weight loss in general.  I learned that for me moderation is the key, a crazy diet cutting out all the food I love would never work for me.  I also learned that it is such a mental game, I know that when I'm making good choices for my health I just feel better all around in all aspects of my life.

I'm posting my "AFTER" picture from the last challenge as my "BEFORE" picture now.
And a side view!

Hoping we are all a little more svelte and slim come summer!  (Today, May 1st, in Colorado we got 5 inches of snow...please come summer)!!!