Saturday, May 4, 2013

Hello from Boise, Idaho...

Hi, my name is Artesia.  I am so excited to be doing this challenge.  
This is exactly the motivation that I need to shed those postpartum pounds.  I have 4 kids; three girls (7,6 and 3) and a little boy who is 4 months.  With 4 kids in such a short time, I can honestly say that I have gained and lost the same 50lbs for the past 10 years.  In the past, I have done weight watchers or trained for a half marathon.  I feel like I need a goal or competition to spark that fire for weight loss.  
A couple little things about me and my family... I am a plant pathologist for the J.R. Simplot company.  That means I test potato plants for disease resistance.  My husband is a stay at home dad and homeschools our 2 oldest kids.  Our oldest daughter Madeline is a little princess and a great big sister.  She changes more diapers in a week than I do!  Sophie, has such a big heart and loves to snuggle.  Our third daughter, Clara, is our feisty one. She keeps things fun in our house.  Benedict is our little boy.  He and my husband share a birthday and is the only one of us to have blue eyes.  
Oh yeah, how I know Stephanie... Well we went to junior high and high school together.  I remember taking clogging lessons in her backyard and playing in band together.  I can't wait to see all the progress made here on the blog.     


  1. I think it's so cool that you are a scientist!
    And I hadn't thought about backyard clogging in a long time until last winter when I visited Boise my Dad was converting old family movies into DVDs and I saw some footage from our awesome "recital."

  2. Woah! You are one busy mom! Working and have all those cute kids! Go you!

  3. What beautiful family. I'm a Idaho girl also! I grew up in Parma.

  4. Your story sounds so similar to mine... Lose and then gain, lose and then gain...
    Is that your daughters first communion gown? It is beautiful!!
