Current Standings:
1. Emma: 394
2. Katie: 387.5
3. Amy: 385
4. Artesia: 371
5. Stephanie: 357.5
6. Megan: 357
7. Christina: 353
8. Danielle: 342.5
9. Caralee: 318
10. Liz: 277
11. Heather: 306.5
Congrats to Amy and Katie for a perfect week!
Week 4 Prize:
Thanks for all the great recipes you all posted on the blog...this week as I planned my menus I incorporated a few new recipes that I'm excited to try. I'm also excited to try the healthy milkshake and banana ice cream (ice cream is my weakness)!!!
11 people were eligible for the prize this week...a movie ticket!
So here's our winner:
Oh my gosh! Ethan is not allowed to be that grown up! So cute.