Friday, July 12, 2013

Finish. Line.Crossed

First of all Yipeeee to all who hung in there, even by a thread...and completed the challenge, and a HUGE 

Thank you 

to Stephanie, for all your support, work, time and encouragement in making this a fun, interactive success!!! 

It feels so good to accomplish something that helps you feel on track and moving in the right direction!
I didn't lose a bunch, but was very surprised by my inches lost!  Shows what 60 minutes a day of dedication can do!! My after pic will have to be later in the weekend...I tend to not take pictures- avoid them like a plague!
I too, like Megan learned sooo much about myself-- most importantly I know where I want to be, and I know how to get there.  
It will be a life long pursuit, but I have the map.  
Trophies all around for hanging in there and finishing the race! 
I feel like we are all winners (even our families), as we are closer to living a life healthier happier life than we were 10 weeks ago. The little good choices we make do accumulate into big changes. Don't ever give up!
My total inches lost was over 13! Great accomplishment for me... I hope they are not really lost, but gone for good! (I won't be looking for them anytime soon!!)
Thanks to all of you for the support and kindness!  
Health and happiness for all.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, the thank you to Stephanie was HUGE, really big, before I hit publish!! Not sure what happened there lol.
